Sunday, November 8, 2009
Despite my best efforts to arrange these posts in chronological order, you will need to scroll down to get to the first post regarding my trek to D.C.
Sorry for the inconvenience. I am still a bit of a blogging novice. :P
My "Say NO to Health Care Reform Bill" Trek to D.C. Part IV
We finally get in to see and speak to various Congressmen and Senators.
This is a little out of order but below is the Coke can I got from Ron Paul's people. We happen to go by his office first.
*Note: After we visited the Cannon and Russell buildings I got thirsty and drank the Coke so I took a picture of it. Maryann, this one's for you! Wink, wink.*

Like I mentioned before, Ron Paul's office was the first one we came to. Marty and I are huge fans of Dr. Paul. However, I felt a little 'groupy' crazy when I entered his office. He wasn't there because he was doing his job, still, his staff was great. When we talked about the Health Care Reform Bill one of his staff members mentioned that they were still trying to read it. So, I whipped out my "Health Care Reform Bill in plain english" papers and they asked if they could photo copy it. They offered us refreshments and we got ot talk politcs for a few minutes. It was great!
Marty, Diane and I felt that it was equally as important that we thank our "employees" that are doing a good job as much as encourging the "not-so-good" to do better.
When we entered several of the "good" employees offices they looked a little apprehensive, but when we thanked them you could see the releif. Needless to say, it had been a rough day for a lot the "staffers".
Here are some great sites if you want to get to know Dr. Paul and his platforms better;
Below is a picture of his picture in his office.

Here is a picture of me signing his registry.

This is a picture of me in front of his office.

This is Marty out side of Congressmen Paul's office too.

Marty outside of SC Rep Joe Wilson's office

This is a sign, I believe in the Russel building, that leads to No Where. Further down you will see the staircase in said building that also leads to No Where.

Marty and Diane outside Congressman Paul Broun's office.

Me outside Congressman Paul Broun's office. His office was giving out pocket size Constitutions. I think all U.S. governmant offices should do so. I also think they should all read it.
We also went to the offices of Saxby Chambliss, Johnny Isakson and John barrow.

Below is the line to get to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office. Before we showed up 12 people were arrested/ escorted out of the building for their "demonstration". I want everyone to know that although I agree with the demonstrators position, I don't agree with their tactics. M, D, and I got more accomplished because we were approachable. Yes, this was a very emotional day, but we kept our emotions in check. We remained calm and articulate.

This is a picture of the three of us with Representative Ted Poe (R - TX). He told us to "Keep up the good fight."

Blurry photo of us on the streets of D.C.

Below is the line to get to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office. Before we showed up 12 people were arrested/ escorted out of the building for their "demonstration". I want everyone to know that although I agree with the demonstrators position, I don't agree with their tactics. M, D, and I got more accomplished because we were approachable. Yes, this was a very emotional day, but we kept our emotions in check. We remained calm and articulate.

This is a picture of the three of us with Representative Ted Poe (R - TX). He told us to "Keep up the good fight."

Blurry photo of us on the streets of D.C.
Please don't confuse this with the "Stairway to Heaven" it is, in fact, the "Stairway to No Where".
We met Lindsey Graham, congressman from SC and spoke with him for a couple of minutes.
We finished our rounds at Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid. We left him a nice (really it was nice. You catch more flies with honey, you know) note asking him to keep the Constitution, which we believe is a sacred document, sacred.
I think a lot of these democrats and liberals are well meaning. I think some truly believe this Health Care Reform Bill will help others and is a Christian thing to do. But, they are missing one very important principle, agency. They confuse the Christian law of consecration with socialism or things like this Health Care Reform Bill. When you take away people's rights to choose for themselves it is called Marxism.
In Mosiah, chapter 18: 27-29, the law of consecration is explained;
27 And again Alma commanded that the people of the church should impart of their substance, every one according to that which he had; if he have more abundantly he should impart more abundantly; and of him that had but little, but little should be required; and to him that had not should be given.
28 And thus they should impart of their substance of their own free will and good desires towards God, and to those priests that stood in need, yea, and to every needy, naked soul.
28 And thus they should impart of their substance of their own free will and good desires towards God, and to those priests that stood in need, yea, and to every needy, naked soul.
29 And this he said unto them, having been commanded of God; and they did walk uprightly before God, imparting to one another both temporally and spiritually according to their needs and their wants.
The New Testament records that early Christians were called upon to set their hearts first on the kingdom of God and to have "all things in common" (Acts 2, 4, 5). *Frank W. Hirschi
All of this done of their own free will.
So, I can only speak for myself when I say that I didn't go to Washington D.C. on November 5, 2009, because I don't want little Timmy to get his much needed surgery. I went to Washington D.C. so that little Timmy's parents can choose who his surgeon will be. So little Timmy, when he's all grown up, won't live in bankrupted society where he will have to stand in long lines to get basic medical care.
Little Timmy should have options. Not the options mandated by a government that doesn't know who he is. Not the options that say, "Do what we tell you to do or we will fine, oh, I'm sorry, Tax you."
Some will say that what is happening is straight out Revelation in the Bible and we should just stand by and let it happen or "help" it along. I don't agree with that on two accounts;
1. Wrong is wrong. When it is my turn to stand in front of the Saviour on Judgement Day, I want to say that I did all I could to promote and preserve the self-evident truths He has given us; that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
2. God doesn't need our help. We need His. Revelations; past, present, and future, have and will come to pass with or without us. There must be opposition in all things according to God's plan; no opposition is Satan's plan. Opposition to Satan comes from those who do not follow him. So, to oppose Satan is to follow God and visa-versa. Those who follow God can not be idle - standing by, doing nothing, as Satan seeks to destroy the soul of man. No, they STAND - they fight against that which is NOT right.
To the non-religious who are reading this, I simply ask, "Do you want me to make your health care choices?"
So, get out there and call, email, write letters to your "employees". Tell them how to do their job! And if they don't do it right, THEY'RE FIRED!
*I found out Sunday, November 8, 2009 that the House narrowly passed the Health Care Reform Bill with some revisions/ amendments. It is now up to the Senate. Get out there and contact those senators!*
My "Say NO to Health Care Reform Bill" Trek to D.C. Part III
On our way to the Cannon building to see some of our "employees"...a.k.a., Senators and Congressman. It took us an hour to get through the crowds and lines.
Below: Protesters demonstrating outside of the Cannon building.

People in line to say "howdy" to their friendly State Representatives.
We are a little closer to getting inside.

Almost theeerre...
This is where I was interviewed by CNN. (I haven't seen it yet, so I guess they didn't like what I had to say. I wasn't overly emotional either and that really doesn't make for "good" news.)
-basically I whipped out the papers I came prepared with and quoted parts of the bill that I was concerned about.
Such as:

*I found tons of references on the Internet that broke this bill down. was quoted the most.*

Almost theeerre...
This is where I was interviewed by CNN. (I haven't seen it yet, so I guess they didn't like what I had to say. I wasn't overly emotional either and that really doesn't make for "good" news.)
-basically I whipped out the papers I came prepared with and quoted parts of the bill that I was concerned about.
Such as:
• Page 16: States that if you have insurance at the time of the bill becoming law and change, you will be required to take a similar plan. If that is not available, you will be required to take the government option!
• Page 22: Mandates audits of all employers that self-insure!
• Page 29: Admission: your health care will be rationed!
• Page 30: A government committee will decide what treatments and benefits you get (and, unlike an insurer, there will be no appeals process)
• Page 42: The "Health Choices Commissioner" will decide health benefits for you. You will have no choice. None.
...Just to name a few

*I found tons of references on the Internet that broke this bill down. was quoted the most.*
My "Say NO to Health Care Reform Bill" Trek to D.C. Part II

Finally we arrived at Capitol Hill. It was amazing!!! Tens of thousands of people united under one cause…to preserve our right to life, liberty, pursuit of happiness! Tens of thousands of people united to preserve our country’s sacred document, the Constitution. We met so many people and shook so many hands. It was incredible!
Some of my favorite parts were when we all stood and said the Pledge of Allegiance and sang the national anthem. Outside, Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo.) led the crowd in the Pledge of Allegiance.
There were many speakers; Minority Leader John Boehner, Republican Whip Eric Cantor and Conference Chairman Mike Pence, Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, actor Jon Voigt and Mark Levin, all spoke. And of course, Michelle Bachmann, the mastermind of the protest, and a Republican congresswoman
Below are pictures of just some of the crowd.

My "Say NO to Health Care Reform Bill" Trek to D.C. Part I
In the beginning...It all started with a phone call.
On Tuesday, November 3, 2009 the phone rang.
I answer, "Hello".
Person on other end, "Hi Tina, this is Diane. A couple of us are going to Washington D.C. tomorrow to say no to the Health Care Reform Bill. Would you like to come?"
Side note, that's like asking me if I would like some chocolate... just sayin'.
I reply, "Let me see if I can make arrangements with my husband and children. I'll call you back in a little while."
Needless to say I did and that I went. I will now chronicle our trip in this blog.
On Tuesday, November 3, 2009 the phone rang.
I answer, "Hello".
Person on other end, "Hi Tina, this is Diane. A couple of us are going to Washington D.C. tomorrow to say no to the Health Care Reform Bill. Would you like to come?"
Side note, that's like asking me if I would like some chocolate... just sayin'.
I reply, "Let me see if I can make arrangements with my husband and children. I'll call you back in a little while."
Needless to say I did and that I went. I will now chronicle our trip in this blog.
November 4, 2009
We (Diane, Marty and I) begin our trek from Augusta Ga. to Washington D.C. We stay the night with our dear friend Julie and ultimately pass out. (It’s a long drive from Augusta to D.C.)
November 5, 2009
We wake up and go to I Hop for breakfast where we were served by a lovely lady named Lulu. She was a great server with an affinity for tasteful ‘bling’ (Marty was quick to point this out.) I can’t tell you what we all ate, but it was good. I left a nice tip.
We then ventured to the Metro a.k.a. subway, my first subway experience if you’re wondering, where we drove around for what felt like forever to find a parking spot.
Finally, after finding a parking spot, we purchased our tickets and boarded the Metro.

Here is Marty and Diane seated across the isle from me on the Metro.

This is moi at one of the Metro exchanges.
This is a picture of one of the Metro trains. OK, you must be rolling your eyes by now at my naivety. But, come on, I’m a girl from central Florida. I can tell you everything you need to know about the Monorail at Disney.
Friday, October 30, 2009
The Diamond Lakes Homeschool Co-op & Showcase

Written by Alec Strum
Directed by Tina Kendall
You've been called to Jury Duty!
Diamond Lakes Community Center
103 Diamond Lakes Way
Hephzibah, Ga 30815
You've been called to Jury Duty!
Diamond Lakes Community Center
103 Diamond Lakes Way
Hephzibah, Ga 30815
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Tickets $3 in advance, $5 at the door
Doors open at 3:15 P.M.
Tickets can be purchased in advanced via DLHC store on-line.
Go to (see store),
during co-op hours or by check via U.S. mail. See contact information below.
Last day to purchase advance tickets is December 2, 2009.
For ticket information email
Thursday, October 29, 2009
The First Annual H.O.G. Society History Fair
Auben in the stocks trying to collect "bail". The proceeds went to the H.O.G. Jr. Board. Alan was the sheriff.
Below: Shooting Potato cannons
Auben and his friend DJ in the gladiator pit.
Below: Inkle weaving
There was a General Store where you could by Old fashioned and not-so-old fashioned items.
Kaylen is the short one behind the counter.
Below left: Jaden ran the Maori face painting booth. Ashley ran the Pirate Geo Caching Booth.
Below: Civil war reenactor
The H.O.G.'s Head restaurant that Maryann and I ran. We served simple historical fare such as; frankfurters, bbq chicken, hoe cakes, bullets in a pot, and switchel. We were very We also had live entertainment... We enjoyed the fiddlers.
Jaden was in charge of the Maori face Painting. That was a lot of fun researching too.
Maren was a Floater. So, she had to learn about a lot of different projects. Kaylen worked in the General Store. She learned how buy wholesale and sell retail, inventory and of course, making change. She also enjoyed learning about old toys and candy.
Rylen helped with the kite making and mostly just enjoyed the freedom of roaming the fair.
There were a ton of hands on exhibits:
Musket Shooting - 1912 schoolhouse
- Wwi trench digging - brick making
- gladiator arena - pirate geocaching
- telegraph - electronics graveyard
- berlin wall mural - maori face painting
- Inkle weaving - much, much more!
Musket Shooting - 1912 schoolhouse
- Wwi trench digging - brick making
- gladiator arena - pirate geocaching
- telegraph - electronics graveyard
- berlin wall mural - maori face painting
- Inkle weaving - much, much more!
It ended w/ a "Haunted" forest. It was all about historical figures' last words and it was kinda creepy. Maren was Joan of arc (being burned at the stake) and Jaden was a southern belle pirate (I just forgot her name:( ). Auben was a guide and the rest of us just enjoyed the "haunted" trail.
Stuff like this makes me grateful we homeschool...because home's cool. ;)
If you didn't make it this year...don't miss it next year!
Trying this 'Blog Thang' again.
I lost the password and info to our last blog, Kendall Krew 7. So, I've started another. I will post the old stuff from the other blog and do a better job with this one. My goal is to get Alan and the kids involved and really make this a family effort. Yeah, we'll see how that happens.
What You Will Find when You Step Inside a Mormon Chapel (posted 8/19/08)
What You Will Find When You Step Inside a Mormon Chapel
SALT LAKE CITY 19 August 2008 Most first-time visitors to a Mormon church building comment on the number of rooms. Many expect to find one large interior space, such as in many other Christian denominations’ buildings of worship.But meetinghouses for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are different from those used by many other religions. They include classrooms, offices, a font for baptisms, a kitchen and in many cases a cultural hall with an indoor basketball court. Cultural halls in Mormon buildings usually also have a stage, for dramatic and musical productions. And the basketball court doubles for a dance floor or dining area, among other uses.This is all in addition to a large room that seats 200 to 300, called the chapel, used for Sunday worship services. The word “chapel” is also sometimes used by Mormons to describe the whole building or meetinghouse.“The building was so simple,” said Sandra Yeo after visiting for the first time one of the Church’s meetinghouses in her native England.“There were no crosses, no murals, no statues or icons of any kind as far as I could see. I had never been in a Christian church that didn’t have that sort of thing. I found the simplicity very appealing.”For Latter-day Saints, the church meetinghouse is a hub of religious and social life. The most important part of the week, though, is the hour-long sacrament meeting. This takes place on Sunday and is similar to other Christian worship services. Men, women and younger members offer prayers and give sermons, hymns are sung, and the sacrament, similar to other traditions’ communion, is administered. Members teach the principles taught by Jesus Christ.When Brian Sharon attended his first meeting of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Wisconsin, he was impressed with the worship service itself.“I was used to a very formal, highly structured worship service in the church of my childhood," Sharon said. "I was intrigued by how smoothly and efficiently things were handled, without extensive ritual or ceremony. And I was touched by how friendly and open everyone was, especially to visitors like my family. It was refreshing to me.”In addition to the sacrament meeting, there are other meetings on Sundays as part of a three-hour span from 9 a.m. until noon, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., or some other variation.These other meetings include classes for youths and adults and what Mormons call “Primary,” a time for lessons and singing for children 12 and under.Mormons tend to have large families, so be prepared to see — and hear — a lot of children. And though Mormon parents try to teach their little ones to be reverent, children are also encouraged to be involved.In the children’s Primary, for example, you will see 7-year-olds, or even younger children, give talks, read scripture and pray in front of their peers. The songs taught and sung in Primary focus on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, on scriptural themes and on simple ways children and others can put into practice what is preached. Mormons are generally a friendly people, so a visitor should not be surprised when someone, seeing the new face, comes over to talk and offers to shake hands and help the visitor find the right meeting or class.A common misperception among those not of the Mormon faith is that only Latter-day Saints can enter their chapels. This is most likely based on a misunderstanding about temples and chapels. While temples, of which there are 140 (including existing ones and those announced or under construction) worldwide, are open only to members of the Church who are fully engaged in their faith, anyone can enter a Mormon chapel to visit or worship with their Latter-day Saint neighbors. There are over 17,000 chapels throughout the world with a new one built, on average, each day.The physical design of Latter-day Saint chapels reflects Mormons’ depth of religiosity that goes beyond pulpit and pew. To be a member of a Mormon ward (or congregation) is to be part of a faith community that intersects weekly as a group and in smaller gatherings several other times throughout each week. In some cases Mormon meetinghouses become launching areas for community service initiatives, such as in times of natural disasters. On many occasions, such efforts are in conjunction with those of other community and faith groups.Mormons say that while the activities that bring them together within their buildings are wide and varied — some cultural, some sporting, some educational and some social — the underpinning motivation for all that is done is for individuals and families to help each other to overcome life’s challenges by learning about Jesus Christ and striving to become like Him.For Latter-day Saints, the buildings they use for their various worship services and other gatherings are important — but not as important as the building that goes on within their walls. It is the building of strong individuals and families, of knowledge, of relationships and of faith in God that matters most to Mormons.“Our chapels are not all constructed with the same design features,” said Church apostle Elder L. Tom Perry in a worldwide conference. “However, each one centers on the mission of our Savior. They are buildings dedicated for the purpose of worshiping Him.”From "The NEWSROOM"
SALT LAKE CITY 19 August 2008 Most first-time visitors to a Mormon church building comment on the number of rooms. Many expect to find one large interior space, such as in many other Christian denominations’ buildings of worship.But meetinghouses for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are different from those used by many other religions. They include classrooms, offices, a font for baptisms, a kitchen and in many cases a cultural hall with an indoor basketball court. Cultural halls in Mormon buildings usually also have a stage, for dramatic and musical productions. And the basketball court doubles for a dance floor or dining area, among other uses.This is all in addition to a large room that seats 200 to 300, called the chapel, used for Sunday worship services. The word “chapel” is also sometimes used by Mormons to describe the whole building or meetinghouse.“The building was so simple,” said Sandra Yeo after visiting for the first time one of the Church’s meetinghouses in her native England.“There were no crosses, no murals, no statues or icons of any kind as far as I could see. I had never been in a Christian church that didn’t have that sort of thing. I found the simplicity very appealing.”For Latter-day Saints, the church meetinghouse is a hub of religious and social life. The most important part of the week, though, is the hour-long sacrament meeting. This takes place on Sunday and is similar to other Christian worship services. Men, women and younger members offer prayers and give sermons, hymns are sung, and the sacrament, similar to other traditions’ communion, is administered. Members teach the principles taught by Jesus Christ.When Brian Sharon attended his first meeting of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Wisconsin, he was impressed with the worship service itself.“I was used to a very formal, highly structured worship service in the church of my childhood," Sharon said. "I was intrigued by how smoothly and efficiently things were handled, without extensive ritual or ceremony. And I was touched by how friendly and open everyone was, especially to visitors like my family. It was refreshing to me.”In addition to the sacrament meeting, there are other meetings on Sundays as part of a three-hour span from 9 a.m. until noon, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., or some other variation.These other meetings include classes for youths and adults and what Mormons call “Primary,” a time for lessons and singing for children 12 and under.Mormons tend to have large families, so be prepared to see — and hear — a lot of children. And though Mormon parents try to teach their little ones to be reverent, children are also encouraged to be involved.In the children’s Primary, for example, you will see 7-year-olds, or even younger children, give talks, read scripture and pray in front of their peers. The songs taught and sung in Primary focus on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, on scriptural themes and on simple ways children and others can put into practice what is preached. Mormons are generally a friendly people, so a visitor should not be surprised when someone, seeing the new face, comes over to talk and offers to shake hands and help the visitor find the right meeting or class.A common misperception among those not of the Mormon faith is that only Latter-day Saints can enter their chapels. This is most likely based on a misunderstanding about temples and chapels. While temples, of which there are 140 (including existing ones and those announced or under construction) worldwide, are open only to members of the Church who are fully engaged in their faith, anyone can enter a Mormon chapel to visit or worship with their Latter-day Saint neighbors. There are over 17,000 chapels throughout the world with a new one built, on average, each day.The physical design of Latter-day Saint chapels reflects Mormons’ depth of religiosity that goes beyond pulpit and pew. To be a member of a Mormon ward (or congregation) is to be part of a faith community that intersects weekly as a group and in smaller gatherings several other times throughout each week. In some cases Mormon meetinghouses become launching areas for community service initiatives, such as in times of natural disasters. On many occasions, such efforts are in conjunction with those of other community and faith groups.Mormons say that while the activities that bring them together within their buildings are wide and varied — some cultural, some sporting, some educational and some social — the underpinning motivation for all that is done is for individuals and families to help each other to overcome life’s challenges by learning about Jesus Christ and striving to become like Him.For Latter-day Saints, the buildings they use for their various worship services and other gatherings are important — but not as important as the building that goes on within their walls. It is the building of strong individuals and families, of knowledge, of relationships and of faith in God that matters most to Mormons.“Our chapels are not all constructed with the same design features,” said Church apostle Elder L. Tom Perry in a worldwide conference. “However, each one centers on the mission of our Savior. They are buildings dedicated for the purpose of worshiping Him.”From "The NEWSROOM"
Memories (7/1/08)
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
This is one of my latest projects. So here is the first chapter. Where do I go from here? Who knows. Do you? Everything is subject to change. Be patient with tenses and such. This is a very rough draft that I copied from my Word file. This story could go anywhere.
Chapter One
I was trying to pull into the Super Wal-Mart (Wally-World is what I like to call it) parking lot when I found myself in a long line of cars trying to do the same thing. Apparently we all wanted to get on the same ride.
So, I sat patiently. I started to remember something I often refer to as my first memory. I call it that because it was the first one I remember.
I was climbing down what seemed to be a grand staircase. I was maybe two or three at the time so naturally anything would seem 'grand'. I remember pushing through the heavy wooden door that led to the front porch. I could hear someone call my name. I had to get to them.
The next thing I recall is a woman with large round glasses and curly hair holding me. I think what I remembered most was my mother’s face as the woman handed me over. The look was anger, but it was the fear that hung in her eyes that still haunts me now. Like something or someone would be lost forever.
I shook it off as the honking from the car behind pulled me quickly out of thought.
“I feel just as impatient, Buddy. Do you hear me honking like an idiot?” I commented rather loudly to myself.
The Suburban two cars a head of me waited for what seemed like forever to get a space closer to the amusement park where we all go to buy groceries and swimming pools. Mr. Suburban made many attempts before finally docking his galactic rambler into place.
“Finally.” I remarked, again to myself, as I pulled into the first available parking space.
Then it came to me. My second memory. I really don’t know if it is my second memory or just the first memory part two. All I know is when I remember the first memory the second is quick to follow.
I remember my mother crying almost hysterically and my father trying to console her. It seemed like he was apologizing to her asking for forgiveness. That’s when I heard her sobs turn into screams of rage.
The next thing I knew I was sitting in the back of a car with my “Going To Grandma’s” suitcase and quilted blanket Nanny made me. I can still feel the fear and confusion I felt all those years ago. That’s when I met him. Magnum P.I.
No. It really wasn’t Tom Selleck, the actor who brought Magnum to life. Huh, in my dreams. He had dark wavy hair and a thick mustache. He wore dark sunglasses like Magnum. Then again, so did every other male in 1980. I always chuckled a little at this part. How I remembered this mystery Magnum.
I didn’t know who he was. I just remember the back door opening and Magnum P.I. handing me my pink wind up teddy bear.
“Everything is going to be ok, hun.” He said tenderly. “Lay down and try to get some sleep.”
The cool breeze of the air-conditioning stirred me back to reality as I entered through the great gates of Wally-World.
“Welcome to Wal-Mart. Would you like a buggy?” Asked the Wal-Mart greeter who was steadying herself with a three-prong cane as she tried to stand.
“Thank you. I’ll get it.” I replied beating the greeter to the cart. I needed to get in and out. Not fill out an incident report. I can see the headlines now, “Wal-Mart Greeter Run Down by Grocery Cart.” I shook my head somewhat both amused and ashamed by my own thoughts.
Now to the task at hand. Where is my list?
I find it interesting how memories can pop in and out without any rhyme or reason. I’ve heard people say that a smell or color can trigger a memory. But what did I see or smell that triggered these memories today, here, now, at Wally-World of all places?
Where is that list?
As I rummage through my purse my phone rings. My "Time is Running Out" ring tone by Muse blares from the outside pocket of my not so trendy 'Mom' purse. I snicker as theWal-Mart greeter jumps in reaction to my ring tone.
Yeah, that's right. I still rock.
Making sure I wouldn't be needed for further possible incident reports I answer. "Hell-o".
Posted by Tina K at 7:20 PM 2 comments
This is one of my latest projects. So here is the first chapter. Where do I go from here? Who knows. Do you? Everything is subject to change. Be patient with tenses and such. This is a very rough draft that I copied from my Word file. This story could go anywhere.
Chapter One
I was trying to pull into the Super Wal-Mart (Wally-World is what I like to call it) parking lot when I found myself in a long line of cars trying to do the same thing. Apparently we all wanted to get on the same ride.
So, I sat patiently. I started to remember something I often refer to as my first memory. I call it that because it was the first one I remember.
I was climbing down what seemed to be a grand staircase. I was maybe two or three at the time so naturally anything would seem 'grand'. I remember pushing through the heavy wooden door that led to the front porch. I could hear someone call my name. I had to get to them.
The next thing I recall is a woman with large round glasses and curly hair holding me. I think what I remembered most was my mother’s face as the woman handed me over. The look was anger, but it was the fear that hung in her eyes that still haunts me now. Like something or someone would be lost forever.
I shook it off as the honking from the car behind pulled me quickly out of thought.
“I feel just as impatient, Buddy. Do you hear me honking like an idiot?” I commented rather loudly to myself.
The Suburban two cars a head of me waited for what seemed like forever to get a space closer to the amusement park where we all go to buy groceries and swimming pools. Mr. Suburban made many attempts before finally docking his galactic rambler into place.
“Finally.” I remarked, again to myself, as I pulled into the first available parking space.
Then it came to me. My second memory. I really don’t know if it is my second memory or just the first memory part two. All I know is when I remember the first memory the second is quick to follow.
I remember my mother crying almost hysterically and my father trying to console her. It seemed like he was apologizing to her asking for forgiveness. That’s when I heard her sobs turn into screams of rage.
The next thing I knew I was sitting in the back of a car with my “Going To Grandma’s” suitcase and quilted blanket Nanny made me. I can still feel the fear and confusion I felt all those years ago. That’s when I met him. Magnum P.I.
No. It really wasn’t Tom Selleck, the actor who brought Magnum to life. Huh, in my dreams. He had dark wavy hair and a thick mustache. He wore dark sunglasses like Magnum. Then again, so did every other male in 1980. I always chuckled a little at this part. How I remembered this mystery Magnum.
I didn’t know who he was. I just remember the back door opening and Magnum P.I. handing me my pink wind up teddy bear.
“Everything is going to be ok, hun.” He said tenderly. “Lay down and try to get some sleep.”
The cool breeze of the air-conditioning stirred me back to reality as I entered through the great gates of Wally-World.
“Welcome to Wal-Mart. Would you like a buggy?” Asked the Wal-Mart greeter who was steadying herself with a three-prong cane as she tried to stand.
“Thank you. I’ll get it.” I replied beating the greeter to the cart. I needed to get in and out. Not fill out an incident report. I can see the headlines now, “Wal-Mart Greeter Run Down by Grocery Cart.” I shook my head somewhat both amused and ashamed by my own thoughts.
Now to the task at hand. Where is my list?
I find it interesting how memories can pop in and out without any rhyme or reason. I’ve heard people say that a smell or color can trigger a memory. But what did I see or smell that triggered these memories today, here, now, at Wally-World of all places?
Where is that list?
As I rummage through my purse my phone rings. My "Time is Running Out" ring tone by Muse blares from the outside pocket of my not so trendy 'Mom' purse. I snicker as theWal-Mart greeter jumps in reaction to my ring tone.
Yeah, that's right. I still rock.
Making sure I wouldn't be needed for further possible incident reports I answer. "Hell-o".
Posted by Tina K at 7:20 PM 2 comments
The Hope I See in Thee (6/12/08)
Thursday, June 12, 2008
The Hope I See In Thee
This is a poem I started I couple of weeks ago when Hope decided to end her dialysis treatments.This kind of an emotional outlet. I don't usually share sensitive stuff like this. So I thought I would try something new this time and share.
The Hope I See In Thee
Dedicated to Alcie Hope Kendall
Sept. 1,1938- June 12,2008
Your denim blue eyes, your heart felt laughter.
Your undying love for the Lord, our Savior.
My husband, best friend, her baby you'll always be.
This is the Hope I see in thee.
11 years ago in her lap you sat so bold.
With your hand in her hand a pen you did hold.
Your love of knowledge, the gospel, artistic ability,
This is the Hope I see in thee.
Her physical features, you have more than one.
Your compassionate sevice for others like Gran'ma had done,
Following the Lord's example, "For unto the least of these".
This is the Hope I see in thee.
Your love for music, to know it by heart.
You share with your Gran'ma an incredible art.
To live and love life in your own harmony.
This is the Hope I see in thee.
At times you feel small, timid and shy.
We gave you her name for strength to try.
Courageous and strong, a fighter is she.
This is the Hope I see in thee.
Tho' you never knew her outside a hospital wing.
You and Gran'ma both loved to sing.
As I watch you grow with a spirit so free,
This is the Hope I see in thee.
Her unconditional love for everyone in the room.
Her unwavering faith when others saw doom.
"Take care of my baby." she said, "For all eternity."
This is the Hope I hope to someday see in me.
Tina Kendall6/12/08
Posted by Tina K at 3:13 PM 1 comments
The Hope I See In Thee
This is a poem I started I couple of weeks ago when Hope decided to end her dialysis treatments.This kind of an emotional outlet. I don't usually share sensitive stuff like this. So I thought I would try something new this time and share.
The Hope I See In Thee
Dedicated to Alcie Hope Kendall
Sept. 1,1938- June 12,2008
Your denim blue eyes, your heart felt laughter.
Your undying love for the Lord, our Savior.
My husband, best friend, her baby you'll always be.
This is the Hope I see in thee.
11 years ago in her lap you sat so bold.
With your hand in her hand a pen you did hold.
Your love of knowledge, the gospel, artistic ability,
This is the Hope I see in thee.
Her physical features, you have more than one.
Your compassionate sevice for others like Gran'ma had done,
Following the Lord's example, "For unto the least of these".
This is the Hope I see in thee.
Your love for music, to know it by heart.
You share with your Gran'ma an incredible art.
To live and love life in your own harmony.
This is the Hope I see in thee.
At times you feel small, timid and shy.
We gave you her name for strength to try.
Courageous and strong, a fighter is she.
This is the Hope I see in thee.
Tho' you never knew her outside a hospital wing.
You and Gran'ma both loved to sing.
As I watch you grow with a spirit so free,
This is the Hope I see in thee.
Her unconditional love for everyone in the room.
Her unwavering faith when others saw doom.
"Take care of my baby." she said, "For all eternity."
This is the Hope I hope to someday see in me.
Tina Kendall6/12/08
Posted by Tina K at 3:13 PM 1 comments
From Hope's last days on earth
Friday, June 20, 2008
One of those days (or mornings)
Well it's 3:45 am, FRI. We are suppose to get up in about an hour and a half to leave for Fl. Good thing I'm not drivin'. I just finished putting together photo albums for Hope's four sisters and Aubrey (Alan's brother). They have copies of a lot of Hope's pics from over the years. Alan and I thought it would be a nice gift for the family. The albums also include a DVD of the memorial slide show. It was a lot of work, but totally worth it. The albums came out really pretty. they are moss green and covered in handmade paper. There is a place on the front for Hope's pic and I ran a beautiful floral ribbon up the spine and tied bow at the top. The colors reminded me of Hope. As soon as I can figure out how to down/up- load pics I'll post a pic of the albums.Gotta finish cleaning up the scrap-book stuff and take a nap. I'll post again when we get back from Fl.Nighty-night. or nappy-nap. or whatever.
Posted by Tina K at 12:53 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Trying to finish up memorial stuff.
I would like to send a HUGE shout out to Maryann and Cassidy Nichols for helping/doing the slide show presentation for Hope's memorial service. When I can figure it out I'll post it. It's quite beautiful.Cassidy is a very talented up-n-coming film maker that just won first place in a YouTube contest. You go girl!!! Here is the link to her winning video. (I think.)
Posted by Tina K at 7:39 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Color, color, color!
O-kay. I know. I get it. I've been told by a couple of very good friends that I need more color on my blog. I totally agree. There's the whole novice blogger thing in my way. I try to learn something new each time I get on. I think my processor's slow (mine not the computer's).Anyway this is a work in progress. Please feel free to "comment" any tips of the trade.
Posted by Tina K at 2:00 PM 4 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
Dressing Hope for the Celestial Kingdom.
I went to the funeral home to dress Hope today. Her RS president, visiting teacher, and some other sweet sisters helped. It was a very spiritual experience. She looked great. Just like the Hope we were used to seeing before her decline. I was honored that she asked to take part in this.
Posted by Tina K at 2:09 PM 0 comments
'til we meet again.
Today at 2:45pm, Alcie Hope Kendall (Hopie), passed from this life to the next. She is no longer in pain and I am sure she is having a happy reunion w/ her beloved Daddy. I know she is watching over us and will be there with open arms when it is our turn to pass through the veil.We love you Mom, Sister, Friend, Grandma, our Hopie.
Posted by Tina K at 2:27 PM 0 comments
So I am in Fl...
I am in Fl on family biz. My husband's Mother is passing away. Alan (my dh), wanted to spend these last days on earth with her. Kind of a sad way to start a blog, isn't it? Not really. We believe in eternal life. We believe that this mortal life is but a stage or step in the eternal scheme of things.This is a quote from our church's web site. I felt like I couldn't sum it up any better."From an earthly perspective, physical death? may seem like an end, though it is really a step forward in Heavenly Father’s plan. At the time of physical death, your spirit will leave your body and go to the spirit world?, where you will continue to learn and progress. In the spirit world, your memories of this life and the knowledge you have gained on Earth will remain with you.Death will not change your personality or your desire for good or evil. If you choose to follow Jesus Christ during your life on Earth, you will be at peace in the spirit world. Those who choose not to follow Christ and do not repent will be unhappy.Heavenly Father knew that many of His children would never have an opportunity to learn about Jesus Christ during their lives and that others would choose not to follow Him. Because He loves His children and is just, God provided a way for those in the spirit world to learn about His plan, have faith in Jesus Christ, and repent. Those who choose to accept and follow Jesus Christ will have peace and rest.Sometime after your death, your spirit and your body will be reunited—never to be separated again. This reuniting is called resurrection?, and it was made possible by the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. You will remain in the spirit world until you are resurrected."You can learn more by linking on the link below. We call it the Plan of Salvation. (my mil) is one of the most incredible women I know. She endured a lot and her testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ never wavered. I hope I can be as strong as she is.
Posted by Tina K at 9:57 AM 1 comments
One of those days (or mornings)
Well it's 3:45 am, FRI. We are suppose to get up in about an hour and a half to leave for Fl. Good thing I'm not drivin'. I just finished putting together photo albums for Hope's four sisters and Aubrey (Alan's brother). They have copies of a lot of Hope's pics from over the years. Alan and I thought it would be a nice gift for the family. The albums also include a DVD of the memorial slide show. It was a lot of work, but totally worth it. The albums came out really pretty. they are moss green and covered in handmade paper. There is a place on the front for Hope's pic and I ran a beautiful floral ribbon up the spine and tied bow at the top. The colors reminded me of Hope. As soon as I can figure out how to down/up- load pics I'll post a pic of the albums.Gotta finish cleaning up the scrap-book stuff and take a nap. I'll post again when we get back from Fl.Nighty-night. or nappy-nap. or whatever.
Posted by Tina K at 12:53 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Trying to finish up memorial stuff.
I would like to send a HUGE shout out to Maryann and Cassidy Nichols for helping/doing the slide show presentation for Hope's memorial service. When I can figure it out I'll post it. It's quite beautiful.Cassidy is a very talented up-n-coming film maker that just won first place in a YouTube contest. You go girl!!! Here is the link to her winning video. (I think.)
Posted by Tina K at 7:39 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Color, color, color!
O-kay. I know. I get it. I've been told by a couple of very good friends that I need more color on my blog. I totally agree. There's the whole novice blogger thing in my way. I try to learn something new each time I get on. I think my processor's slow (mine not the computer's).Anyway this is a work in progress. Please feel free to "comment" any tips of the trade.
Posted by Tina K at 2:00 PM 4 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
Dressing Hope for the Celestial Kingdom.
I went to the funeral home to dress Hope today. Her RS president, visiting teacher, and some other sweet sisters helped. It was a very spiritual experience. She looked great. Just like the Hope we were used to seeing before her decline. I was honored that she asked to take part in this.
Posted by Tina K at 2:09 PM 0 comments
'til we meet again.
Today at 2:45pm, Alcie Hope Kendall (Hopie), passed from this life to the next. She is no longer in pain and I am sure she is having a happy reunion w/ her beloved Daddy. I know she is watching over us and will be there with open arms when it is our turn to pass through the veil.We love you Mom, Sister, Friend, Grandma, our Hopie.
Posted by Tina K at 2:27 PM 0 comments
So I am in Fl...
I am in Fl on family biz. My husband's Mother is passing away. Alan (my dh), wanted to spend these last days on earth with her. Kind of a sad way to start a blog, isn't it? Not really. We believe in eternal life. We believe that this mortal life is but a stage or step in the eternal scheme of things.This is a quote from our church's web site. I felt like I couldn't sum it up any better."From an earthly perspective, physical death? may seem like an end, though it is really a step forward in Heavenly Father’s plan. At the time of physical death, your spirit will leave your body and go to the spirit world?, where you will continue to learn and progress. In the spirit world, your memories of this life and the knowledge you have gained on Earth will remain with you.Death will not change your personality or your desire for good or evil. If you choose to follow Jesus Christ during your life on Earth, you will be at peace in the spirit world. Those who choose not to follow Christ and do not repent will be unhappy.Heavenly Father knew that many of His children would never have an opportunity to learn about Jesus Christ during their lives and that others would choose not to follow Him. Because He loves His children and is just, God provided a way for those in the spirit world to learn about His plan, have faith in Jesus Christ, and repent. Those who choose to accept and follow Jesus Christ will have peace and rest.Sometime after your death, your spirit and your body will be reunited—never to be separated again. This reuniting is called resurrection?, and it was made possible by the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. You will remain in the spirit world until you are resurrected."You can learn more by linking on the link below. We call it the Plan of Salvation. (my mil) is one of the most incredible women I know. She endured a lot and her testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ never wavered. I hope I can be as strong as she is.
Posted by Tina K at 9:57 AM 1 comments
Twilight (from June 23, 2008)
I am back!!!! Yes. That's right. I'm back. Never to cross the Fl/ Ga border again. (At least for a couple of months.)
Hope's memorial service and internment went really well. It was very sweet. I am looking forward to getting back to normal....that's what I thought until IT happened.
I can't help it. I don't remember the last time I've been sooo mesmerized. I have to share w/ my dd Jaden and there is just simply not enough to go around. I really didn't think that once I started I wouldn't be able to stop. They should make a patch for something like this. Maybe I need an intervention. I've never done drugs and yet this need to have more. Sigh.
Twilight.... it's the latest rave. I didn't realize how intense it's addiction was until I cracked open the pages of the already used book. Worn and broken in by it previous users, the pages were easy to turn and held their place while I hungrily supped up the words.
Stephanie Meyers, the author/drug word lord, must have known the effect her words would have on society. She must have known what the result would be when her lexical-heroin reached the street corner of Barnes and Noble. She must have anticipated the returns as she sent her hard and soft bound crack mules to all the Borders around the world. I know I should make a stand and try as I might to stop her... but, alas. sigh. I merely do not have the strength to withstand this influence any longer. This why I write this in my blog. I hope to entreat someone to my aid.
I must now concentrate on how to retrieve New Moon (the second book of the series) from Jaden. I think she is coming down with a fever, maybe a cough and needs some, hmmmm, NyQuil. Yes, that will do it. She should sleep for a good 10 hours. HE, he, he.
*No. Really. It's a GREAT book. I don't drug my children for my own selfish reasons. I hope I can wait til 10 when Jaden goes to bed and finish the book.*
Hope's memorial service and internment went really well. It was very sweet. I am looking forward to getting back to normal....that's what I thought until IT happened.
I can't help it. I don't remember the last time I've been sooo mesmerized. I have to share w/ my dd Jaden and there is just simply not enough to go around. I really didn't think that once I started I wouldn't be able to stop. They should make a patch for something like this. Maybe I need an intervention. I've never done drugs and yet this need to have more. Sigh.
Twilight.... it's the latest rave. I didn't realize how intense it's addiction was until I cracked open the pages of the already used book. Worn and broken in by it previous users, the pages were easy to turn and held their place while I hungrily supped up the words.
Stephanie Meyers, the author/drug word lord, must have known the effect her words would have on society. She must have known what the result would be when her lexical-heroin reached the street corner of Barnes and Noble. She must have anticipated the returns as she sent her hard and soft bound crack mules to all the Borders around the world. I know I should make a stand and try as I might to stop her... but, alas. sigh. I merely do not have the strength to withstand this influence any longer. This why I write this in my blog. I hope to entreat someone to my aid.
I must now concentrate on how to retrieve New Moon (the second book of the series) from Jaden. I think she is coming down with a fever, maybe a cough and needs some, hmmmm, NyQuil. Yes, that will do it. She should sleep for a good 10 hours. HE, he, he.
*No. Really. It's a GREAT book. I don't drug my children for my own selfish reasons. I hope I can wait til 10 when Jaden goes to bed and finish the book.*
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