We finally get in to see and speak to various Congressmen and Senators.
This is a little out of order but below is the Coke can I got from Ron Paul's people. We happen to go by his office first.
*Note: After we visited the Cannon and Russell buildings I got thirsty and drank the Coke so I took a picture of it. Maryann, this one's for you! Wink, wink.*

Like I mentioned before, Ron Paul's office was the first one we came to. Marty and I are huge fans of Dr. Paul. However, I felt a little 'groupy' crazy when I entered his office. He wasn't there because he was doing his job, still, his staff was great. When we talked about the Health Care Reform Bill one of his staff members mentioned that they were still trying to read it. So, I whipped out my "Health Care Reform Bill in plain english" papers and they asked if they could photo copy it. They offered us refreshments and we got ot talk politcs for a few minutes. It was great!
Marty, Diane and I felt that it was equally as important that we thank our "employees" that are doing a good job as much as encourging the "not-so-good" to do better.
When we entered several of the "good" employees offices they looked a little apprehensive, but when we thanked them you could see the releif. Needless to say, it had been a rough day for a lot the "staffers".
Here are some great sites if you want to get to know Dr. Paul and his platforms better; http://www.campaignforliberty.com/
Below is a picture of his picture in his office.

Here is a picture of me signing his registry.

This is a picture of me in front of his office.

This is Marty out side of Congressmen Paul's office too.

Marty outside of SC Rep Joe Wilson's office

This is a sign, I believe in the Russel building, that leads to No Where. Further down you will see the staircase in said building that also leads to No Where.

Marty and Diane outside Congressman Paul Broun's office.

Me outside Congressman Paul Broun's office. His office was giving out pocket size Constitutions. I think all U.S. governmant offices should do so. I also think they should all read it.
We also went to the offices of Saxby Chambliss, Johnny Isakson and John barrow.

Below is the line to get to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office. Before we showed up 12 people were arrested/ escorted out of the building for their "demonstration". I want everyone to know that although I agree with the demonstrators position, I don't agree with their tactics. M, D, and I got more accomplished because we were approachable. Yes, this was a very emotional day, but we kept our emotions in check. We remained calm and articulate.

This is a picture of the three of us with Representative Ted Poe (R - TX). He told us to "Keep up the good fight."

Blurry photo of us on the streets of D.C.

Below is the line to get to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office. Before we showed up 12 people were arrested/ escorted out of the building for their "demonstration". I want everyone to know that although I agree with the demonstrators position, I don't agree with their tactics. M, D, and I got more accomplished because we were approachable. Yes, this was a very emotional day, but we kept our emotions in check. We remained calm and articulate.

This is a picture of the three of us with Representative Ted Poe (R - TX). He told us to "Keep up the good fight."

Blurry photo of us on the streets of D.C.
Please don't confuse this with the "Stairway to Heaven" it is, in fact, the "Stairway to No Where".
We met Lindsey Graham, congressman from SC and spoke with him for a couple of minutes.
We finished our rounds at Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid. We left him a nice (really it was nice. You catch more flies with honey, you know) note asking him to keep the Constitution, which we believe is a sacred document, sacred.
I think a lot of these democrats and liberals are well meaning. I think some truly believe this Health Care Reform Bill will help others and is a Christian thing to do. But, they are missing one very important principle, agency. They confuse the Christian law of consecration with socialism or things like this Health Care Reform Bill. When you take away people's rights to choose for themselves it is called Marxism.
In Mosiah, chapter 18: 27-29, the law of consecration is explained;
27 And again Alma commanded that the people of the church should impart of their substance, every one according to that which he had; if he have more abundantly he should impart more abundantly; and of him that had but little, but little should be required; and to him that had not should be given.
28 And thus they should impart of their substance of their own free will and good desires towards God, and to those priests that stood in need, yea, and to every needy, naked soul.
28 And thus they should impart of their substance of their own free will and good desires towards God, and to those priests that stood in need, yea, and to every needy, naked soul.
29 And this he said unto them, having been commanded of God; and they did walk uprightly before God, imparting to one another both temporally and spiritually according to their needs and their wants.
The New Testament records that early Christians were called upon to set their hearts first on the kingdom of God and to have "all things in common" (Acts 2, 4, 5). *Frank W. Hirschi
All of this done of their own free will.
So, I can only speak for myself when I say that I didn't go to Washington D.C. on November 5, 2009, because I don't want little Timmy to get his much needed surgery. I went to Washington D.C. so that little Timmy's parents can choose who his surgeon will be. So little Timmy, when he's all grown up, won't live in bankrupted society where he will have to stand in long lines to get basic medical care.
Little Timmy should have options. Not the options mandated by a government that doesn't know who he is. Not the options that say, "Do what we tell you to do or we will fine, oh, I'm sorry, Tax you."
Some will say that what is happening is straight out Revelation in the Bible and we should just stand by and let it happen or "help" it along. I don't agree with that on two accounts;
1. Wrong is wrong. When it is my turn to stand in front of the Saviour on Judgement Day, I want to say that I did all I could to promote and preserve the self-evident truths He has given us; that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
2. God doesn't need our help. We need His. Revelations; past, present, and future, have and will come to pass with or without us. There must be opposition in all things according to God's plan; no opposition is Satan's plan. Opposition to Satan comes from those who do not follow him. So, to oppose Satan is to follow God and visa-versa. Those who follow God can not be idle - standing by, doing nothing, as Satan seeks to destroy the soul of man. No, they STAND - they fight against that which is NOT right.
To the non-religious who are reading this, I simply ask, "Do you want me to make your health care choices?"
So, get out there and call, email, write letters to your "employees". Tell them how to do their job! And if they don't do it right, THEY'RE FIRED!
*I found out Sunday, November 8, 2009 that the House narrowly passed the Health Care Reform Bill with some revisions/ amendments. It is now up to the Senate. Get out there and contact those senators!*
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