Sunday, November 8, 2009

Despite my best efforts to arrange these posts in chronological order, you will need to scroll down to get to the first post regarding my trek to D.C.

Sorry for the inconvenience. I am still a bit of a blogging novice. :P


  1. Thanks for standing up for our rights. That must have been amazing to rub shoulders with the people that "make" our laws. I would have loved to join you. Maybe next time.

  2. Yes, the health care debate. Having several friends from Canada, universal health care can be a beautiful thing. That said, I can't say I want it. I would have to trust that most people are good and will vote for what is right and that right will prevail. Watching politics and social changes that now exist make me doubtful of these things.

    I had no idea that you could get so political! How'd I miss that?
